The WT does attract needy and dysfunctional people now, In the last 10 years I would say. We have a lot of people that have weird ailments, chemical sensitive, ground minerals sensitivity. Theirs this one sister that said the minerals under her house was making her sick. There are some sisters 3 that I can think of just in our hall that can't sit in the main auditorium because of peoples fragrances (perfumes).
I have no problem with people being over sensitive to perfumes as some perfumes can be over powering. The only thing is these same people are probably the same ones that are on a health craze where they eat raw garlic and reek of it. I recall my mom telling me about one sister that was so strong with the smell of garlic, no one wanted her in their car group. My mom said it was so strong you couldn't even breath in the car with all the windows closed.